Monday Motivation: Holidays Edition

I’m writing this post on 12/17/08, and since I’m out of town the blog will essentially be on auto pilot. I’ve arranged a ton of content for you, though, so there will be some new stuff to look at!

“We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.”
-Frank Tibolt

A reader sent me a comment with a few awesome links earlier this week. I was unaware of this, but Virginia Luque has some videos up on Youtube. I had the opportunity to see Ms. Luque in concert a few years ago at the Christopher Parkening Summer Masterclass in Bozeman, Montana. She happened to play this piece for us:

Happy practicing and performing! Be sure to bust that guitar out and show off for the family a bit.

Posted on in Monday Motivation

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  • Fgang

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the mention of VL’s videos, that is nice? Hope you had a peaceful and lovely Christmas and that you did your exercises as you advised.

    Blessings towards your life and that you continue bringing such
    interesting findings and tips.

    Take care…and welcome back on the new year, another challenging one 2009!
