Monday Motivation: Krivokapic Edition
“I have discovered that all human evil comes from this, man’s being unable to sit still in a room.”
-Blaise Pascal
Today we feature Goran Krivokapic playing some simple Sor pieces. Now, the thing about Sor is that none of his music is really simple. That is, it might be technically easy, but there’s a lot of musical issues to be taken care of and tackled. Mr. Krivokapic does a great job with the technical and musical aspects. Check out Krivokapic’s guitar recital CD from Naxos.
Thanks to Seth Guillen for suggesting the artist featured today!
Paul Pleijsier
Great to see a good guitarist have the courage to do “simple” Sor pieces. Everything from Sor matters. Sor never wrote pieces down to a price. There’s something in all of them. It’s up to us to bring it out, but you can be sure it’s in there.