2011 Indiana Guitar Competition Winners
The 2011 Indiana Guitar Competition was held March 26 and 27, 2011. The competition had two divisions: an open division (for ages 17-35) and a youth division (for ages 11-17).

Open Division Winners

- First Prize: You Wang (China)
- Second Prize: Lars Rosvoll (Norway)
- Honorable Mention: Ivan Resendiz (Mexico)
Youth Division Winners
- First Prize: Xavier Jara
- Second Prize: Tobias James
- Third Prize: Asa Bryce
- Fourth Prize: Andrew Laszlo and Alexander Arbuckle
Listen to Winner You Wang Play
You Wang doesn’t have any youtube videos up, but you can head over to his audio gallery to take a listen.
Congratulations to the winners! One question you may be able to answer, why do guitar competitions have age limits. It seems most competitions cap at 30-35. I am in my early thirties. Maybe by the time I’m in my mid 40’s and my kids are out of the house I’ll be in a position to try one of these. But then the age limit would stop me. Whats up with that? No country for old men I guess.
Erol Ozsever
I realize this response is a bit belated, but I just now saw it. Many of the people who enter these competitions are looking for professional development that may help them acquire a university position, management/record deal, etc. The majority of competitors are between ages 20-30. And if someone in their 40’s competes against a 20-year-old, it can be a bit discouraging for the youngster who really needs the exposure. Plus, then you may potentially end up having adjunct professors competing against students, which hardly seems fair.
Besides, Edel Muñoz has won numerous competitions in the last year, and he is over 35. The following competitions don’t have age limits: Louisville, Columbus State Symposium, Boston, East Carolina, Tennessee (MTSU), Memphis, GFA. But there have to be some competitions with age limits to give the younger artists the opportunity to prepare for the larger ones like Boston, GFA, Parkening, etc.
But it if you are under 35, you can still come to the next edition of the Indiana International Guitar Festival & Competition. We will likely be moving our festival weekend to the fall, so the next festival is tentatively set for October 2012. http://blogs.music.indiana.edu/guitarfestival