CD Review: The Coda Duo – “Sonata Andaluz”
Guitar CD Reviews
The Coda Duo is based in Columbia, South Carolina. Though they just got started in the past year, the duo has put together a busy performing schedule and, of course, recorded a CD: Sonata Andaluz. The Contents The album opens with a piece composed for the Coda Duo, Sonata Andaluz by Ralf Bauer-Mörkens. The 3-movement […]
Read MoreNews: Guitarist Marc Regnier Grammy Nominated
Around the Web
Marc Regnier and several other artists, including Marco Sartor, have been Grammy nominated for the album Gnattali: Solo & Chamber Works for Guitar (aff). The album has been nominated for the Best Chamber Music Performance.
Read MoreAn Interview with Matthew Hinsley
Interviews with Classical Guitarists
Matthew Hinsley is the executive director of the Austin Classical Guitar Society (ACGS), the largest organization of its kind in the United States. This interview focused mainly on the business side of music because Matt is such a wellspring of information about that world. He talks about the ACGS history and what factors were crucial […]
Read MoreMonday Motivation: Victoria Guitar Trio
Monday Motivation
“When you expect things to happen – strangely enough – they do happen.” -John Pierpont Morgan Today we feature the Victoria Guitar Trio, which includes Bradford Werner from Classical Guitar Canada. In this video the group performs the very bouncy Carnaval by Patrick Roux.
Read MoreMusic Notation Software
Classical Guitar Tips
Most of you probably have some compositions or exercises floating around on manuscript paper. Personally, I like to compose and get rough ideas with a good old fashioned pencil and paper (affiliate link). It’s much less cumbersome that dealing with notation software. At some point, you have to put those compositions in a nice, typeset […]
Read MoreDon’t Let Others Set Your Goals
Classical Guitar Practice Tips

It’s easy to get ahead of yourself while learning guitar. It’s easy to want what others have — be that technical skills or repertoire pieces. This sort of competitive attitude can be healthy. It can drive you to new achievements, and help keep your focused. When Comparison Becomes Unhealthy Everyone compares themselves to others. It’s […]
Read MoreThe Three Types of Musical Curiosity
Musical Interpretation and Musicianship
We all connect with music in different ways. None of the ways are less valid than others. It’s all about your personality: what do you connect with personally? Are you a person who cares deeply about how others feel? Do you look at the technical aspects behind a thing? Do you care about where something […]
Read MoreMonday Motivation: Arch Harp Guitar
Monday Motivation
“Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.” -Robert H. Schuller Today we feature James Kline performing Scarborough Faire on an Arch Harp Guitar. According to his website, this is an instrument of Kline’s own invention. The bottom half of the guitar is the “harp” portion: no frets, just 8 strings tuned chromatically. […]
Read MoreIs Self-Herding Making You a Poor Practicer?
Classical Guitar Practice Tips
Humans unknowingly practice herd behavior a lot. We tend to go along with things because our friends or everyone else is doing it. But there’s also self-herding. We, as people, tend to do the things exactly how we’ve done them before. In a given situation, our brain searches the catalog of past experiences and comes […]
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