Weight Loss Advice for Practicing
Classical Guitar Practice Tips
I used to be a bit larger — well, a lot larger (I was overweight). When I lost a ton of that weight (about 65lbs), people that hadn’t seen me for months freaked out when they saw me again. The change was striking. When a person desires to loose weight, it’s good advice not to […]
Read MoreNews: CG Blog Featured on Guitar International
Around the Web, Updates & Activities
Guitar International Magazine just did a feature on the Classical Guitar Blog (and me). This part of a series of articles highlighting ” 10 great guitar blogs.” Click here to read the article.
Read MoreMonday Motivation: Piano and Guitar
Monday Motivation
“Learn to be silent. Let your quiet mind listen and absorb.” -Pythagoras Sorry to bring back Goran again, but I just discovered this piece and this was the best video. This is Fantasia, Op. 145 by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco.
Read MoreConcert Review: Jorge Caballero in Seattle, WA
Classical Guitar Concert Reviews
This is a guest review by William Bajzek, a Washington based guitarist. I’ll start my review by confessing that I had originally thought of Jorge Caballero as a sort of Yamashita-wannabe, since, until I bought the Naumberg CD, all I knew about him was that he had recorded Yamashita’s Dvorak Symphony transcription and performed other […]
Read MoreThree Important Things to See
Classical Guitar Repertoire, Music Theory, Musical Interpretation and Musicianship

A while back I gave guitar lessons to a blind person via webcam. I had to tell him where each left hand finger goes and and on what string. He was a amazing student and worked incredibly hard. Teaching him gave me a lot to think about. Specifically, what exactly do we take for granted […]
Read MoreMonday Motivation: Krivokapic plays Rodrigo
Monday Motivation
“Do not let what you can’t do interfere with what you can do.” -John Wooden Zapateado is my favorite of Rodrigo’s Tres piezas españolas. The melody is outstanding and develops well. Goran Krivokapic does a fantastic job with the piece in this video. Thanks to Seth Guillen for sending me this video.
Read MoreThe Building Blocks of Classical Guitar Technique
Best of the Classical Guitar Blog, Classical Guitar Technique
There’s only a limited number of things we can include in our technical routine. So here’s some things to think about; make sure you’re not missing out on any crucial elements! Classical Guitar Arpeggios Arpeggios don’t get a lot of love. Which is unfortunate. Guitarists spend a lot of time playing around with arpeggio textures. […]
Read MoreThe Five Most Important Things to Keep on Your Music Stand
Classical Guitar Practice Tips

How many times have been without a crucial tool needed for practicing? It sucks, and taking time out of practicing only makes it worse. Here are some of the most important things to keep on your . A Pencil (or three) because it’s the most important tool you’ll use. Don’t be afraid to take notes […]
Read MoreMonday Motivation: Colores (Guitar Trio)
Monday Motivation
“For me, I think the only danger is being too much in love with guitar playing. The MUSIC is the most important thing, and the guitar is only the instrument.” –Jerry Garcia Today we feature a newly composed piece for guitar trio by Greg Mulzet. Colores has a kind of rock and roll feel to […]
Read MoreConcert Review: Valerie Hartzell in Dallas, TX
Classical Guitar Concert Reviews
I’ve heard Valerie Hartzell‘s name for a long time: she runs the Greater Houston Guitar Guild and the Classical Minds guitar festival and competition. In addition, I’ve interacted with several of her students and heard nothing but good thing about her teaching. Friday (10/17/2010) I had the opportunity to see Ms. Hartzell perform. It’s All […]
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