Classical Guitar Gets Some Major Online Press
Around the Web
Many of you have probably seen the very small, very good North Korean girl playing classical guitar on youtube. In the past week her video made it onto the Huffington Post and College Humor. Kind of amazing. Maybe we’ll get some new classical guitar fans out of this? I hope so. We could use them. […]
Read MoreHow to Practice Cross-String Trills
Classical Guitar Technique

One of the challenges of cross-string ornaments is getting them quick enough. While cadential and longer trills start a bit slower, mid-phrase trills and mordents must be quick. From a technical standpoint, that means the ornament has to feel like one, quick motion. Not like a bunch of individual fingers. This post explains how to […]
Read MoreEpisode 3: Petar Jankovic Interview
Classical Guitar Tips
Petar discusses practicing, technique, Indiana University, playing concerts, musicality, and more. [podcast]/goodies/podcasts/Jankovic.mp3[/podcast] Originally published in video.
Read MoreMonday Motivation: Zanon Edition
Monday Motivation
“To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.” -Bertrand Russell Today we take a look at Fabio Zanon. After a short introduction, Zanon performs Eduardo Sainz de la Maza’s Campanas del Alba, a great tremolo piece that doesn’t get a lot of attention.
Read MoreString Crossing Exercises
Classical Guitar Technique
One of the biggest problem areas in scales are the string crossings. It’s the perfect opportunity for the right hand to get tripped up. There’s certainly things we can do to help out, the very first being trying to avoid bad string crossings. In the end, however, you have to practice both good and bad […]
Read MoreTask Oriented Practice Schedules
Classical Guitar Practice Tips
One of the benefits of goal oriented guitar practice is that is builds in motivation to practice the next day. The notations made in your practice log supply a never ending stream of daily goals. Previously, the suggestion was for you to spend (insert number) minutes on each goal. I’ve been thinking on this lately, […]
Read MoreNews: Johannes Möller Wins GFA Competition
Around the Web
Johannes Möller (Sweden) won the Guitar Foundation of America Competition last week in Austin, TX. He is also a composer; the piece below is one of his own. Connect with Möller on Youtube and Facebook. Here are some other results from the competition(s): XXVIII International Concert Artist Competition 1st Place: Johannes Moller (Sweden) 2nd Place: […]
Read MoreMonday Motivation: Dieter Hennings Edition
Monday Motivation
“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” -Pablo Picasso I usually post videos here, but today I have to point you guys to a website. Dieter Hennings is the director of guitar studies at the University of Kentucky. I saw him in concert […]
Read MoreEpisode 2: An Interview with Scott Tennant
Classical Guitar Tips
Scott Tennant discusses pedagogy, performing with John Cleese, Pumping Nylon, and much more! Click Here! to subscribe to the Podcast.
Read MoreCoordinating Your Arpeggios
Classical Guitar Technique
If you’re like most other guitarists, the reason you play scales is to practice coordination between the hands. Scales aren’t the only way to practice coordination, and today I’m going to share a way to incorporate coordination work into arpeggio practice. But first, let’s talk about a basic coordination exercise. 1 2 3 4 You’ve […]
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