Linkage: 8/16/09
Guitar Related Links
Have you joined The Classical Guitar Network yet? In other, “what Chris is up to,” news, I started a new website where I’m planning to write about things that fall outside the scope of the CG blog. In addition to all that, I’ve been doing a ton of reading. Notes from the books I’ve read […]
Read MoreStep Theory
Classical Guitar Practice Tips
We all had times where our playing seems to go nowhere. The growth of a musician’s skill is rarely linear. Step Theory is how I view musical improvement. Initial Gains Whenever we start something new, there’s the initial period of frustration, then we take off. The beginning stages of playing music are usually smooth going, […]
Read MoreSecret Alternation Speed Weapon
Classical Guitar Technique
Many people struggle with relaxed, right-hand alternation. i m alternation seems to be the preferred combination because that’s what everyone does right? I’m here to tell you that i m alternation is overrated, and I want to introduce you to my friend, p i alternation. We don’t often have to play long, fast scales in […]
Read MoreMonday Motivation: Ponce Edition
Monday Motivation
“No one — not rock stars, not professional athletes, not software billionaires, and not even geniuses — ever makes it alone.” -Malcolm Gladwell, in Outliers Today feature Ana Vidovic performing the last movement of Ponce’s Sonatina Meridional.
Read MoreRoland Dyens Masterclass
Guitar Masterclass Videos
A Roland Dyens masterclass was posted on youtube. Very cool to watch. Lots of talk about the concert etiquette of tuning. I love it when Dyens just reaches up and adjusts the tuning on the students guitar! The piece discussed is Fuoco from Dyens’ Libre Sonatine.
Read MoreMoment of Poise
Guitar Performance Tips

In a previous article I wrote about smiling and how just doing some simple things can make you appear to be a experienced and confident performer. The article was titled Faking It. Today we add another way to fake it: the moment of poise. Most performers have a moment before they begin playing, after walking […]
Read MoreIntellectual vs. Actual Technique
Classical Guitar Technique
Every guitarist likes to read about technique. We pour over one of the many guitar technique books, and imagine ourselves playing. We try out concepts with the guitar too. But are we really doing anything different? Maybe. Our intellectual technique can be different from our actual technique. The way you think you move can be […]
Read MoreWhy We Really Take Lessons
Guitar Teaching
When I watch my students in lessons, they rarely look at the page in front of them. Instead they’re looking at my hands, trying to mimic what I’m doing. I had to think back to my own lessons. Did I do that? I think I did. When I first started I remember looking at my […]
Read MoreThe Thing About Dynamics…
Musical Interpretation and Musicianship
…is that we sit right next to our instrument. What sounds loud to us may only be a whisper at the back of a concert hall. What sound quiet might sound the same as our forte in the hall. Crescendos/diminuendos maybe sound huge to us but are nonexistent to the audience. With such a small […]
Read MoreColor Coded Music
Classical Guitar Practice Tips
I tend to circle a lot of things in my music. Which begs the question: what does each circle mean?! I have no clue, most times I just ignore them. So I’ve been using a highlighter to help draw my attention to things on the page. I color code. So I might highlight all dynamic […]
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