Links 1/28/09
Guitar Related Links
First, a quick reminder that Scott Kritzer’s offer closes at the end of the month. If you’re without a classical guitar teacher in your area, online lessons could be a great alternative. Scott’s offer is now closed The New Yorker posted a great article from author Alex Ross about the the affordable art of concertgoing. […]
Read MoreAn Interview with Perfecto De Castro- Part 2
Interviews with Classical Guitarists
Part one of this interview can be found here. ———- What are your top three tips for practicing or performance? Play slower than you think you should – this applies to both practice and performance. Practice slow enough for you to be on top of what you want your hands to do. Perform slower than […]
Read MorePerfecto De Castro Interview
Interviews with Classical Guitarists
Perfecto De Castro is a classical guitarist based in Southern California. In addition to his numerous solo guitar activities, he is a member of the Kasilag Guitar Quartet and teaches privately. Perf released a CD in 2007 showcasing the his own talents in addition to the capabilities of his unique instrument, the ten-string guitar. Classical […]
Read MoreMonday Motivation: 1/26/09
Monday Motivation
“I’ve never known a musician who regretted being one. Whatever deceptions life may have in store for you, music itself is not going to let you down.” -Virgil Thompson For those of you that love quotes as much as I do, check out MusicThoughts, a new website by Derek Sivers. Today we feature guitarist Austin […]
Read MorePhrase Structures
Music Theory
Phrase:A term adopted from linguistic syntax and used for short musical units of various lengths; a phrase is generally regarded as longer than a Motif but shorter than a Period. from The Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians Sounds complicated. A phrase can be said to be a musical unit or musical idea. Usually phrases […]
Read MoreSelf Teaching for the Classical Guitar
Classical Guitar Practice Tips
Sometimes it’s hard to find a teacher and sometimes it’s not financially possible to take a lesson every week. Many people choose the path of self instruction, relying on the various resources out there to help them progress. Here’s a few tips that might help. Talk to Other Classical Guitarists While lessons are the best […]
Read MoreSight Reading Tip: Look Ahead
Classical Guitar Practice Tips
Sight reading is a tricky monster for guitarists. Really the best way to get better at it is to read more. With the plethora of free sheet music online, it’s not hard to find music for reading. The trick of sight reading is look where you’re going, not where you are. That is, look ahead […]
Read MoreSequential Planting
Classical Guitar Technique

Planting or preparing is the act of putting a right hand finger on the string before it has to play. This produces a lot of security and can improve overall accuracy. Sequential planting is simply planting one finger after another, and differs from a full plant where all RH fingers of an arpeggio pattern are […]
Read MoreChris on Youtube
Updates & Activities
I’ve taken the step onto youtube!
Read MoreMonday Motivation: 1/19/09
Monday Motivation
“Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.” —Sir Winston Churchill Today […]
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